The turtles form new alliances and take on old rivals with these original shell-shocking pitches from the Sully Brothers.
Narrated intro – shown as a flyover of the small-ish city where the factory is located
Over 40 years ago, a young man by the name of Charlie Bucket became the luckiest boy in the world. He pulled a Golden Ticket and went on a tour of the illustrious Wonka Chocolate Factory. The contest turned out to be so much more than anyone could have imagined and Charlie ended up as the new owner of the chocolate factory.
For years he worked with the legendary Willy Wonka, learning the secrets of the factory and serving as an apprentice, but eventually Charlie took over and began to run things himself. He didn’t want to lose the magic of the Wonka name, so he kept it on the factory and the candy, but he didn’t stop there…..
We can tell from the flyover that the Wonka name is now on many more products, seen being loaded onto shipping trucks.
The flyover pans back to show grown-up Charlie, flying over the city in his glass elevator, eventually docking back into the building, the doors open and Charlie steps out.
Charlie is in his 50’s now. We can tell from his first appearance on screen that he still has a kind smile and a love for his work. He heads from the elevator through the factory floor, greeting employees (Oompa Loompa’s included) and checking in on the status of things with the business. Everyone seems happy and eager to please Charlie.
He eventually arrives at his lab/office, which is clearly heavily secured, with multiple levels of identification. He scans a badge, enters a code, looks into a device that scans his eye, deposits his gum into a small tray, and he’s just about to enter a vault-style door when his phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket to see that it is his son, Joe. Joe is 13-ish and looks a bit like the Charlie Bucket we all remember from the original Willy Wonka film. Joe reminds his father that he’s got practice later in the day and doesn’t want Charlie to forget to leave his lab in time to make it to pick him up from school. Charlie agrees, hangs up, sets an alarm on his phone as a reminder, and heads through a series of doors labelled TOP SECRET – NOBODY ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT.
Our opening credits roll, showing a video recap of the years of Wonka Chocolates that we’ve missed since the original film – magazine covers, grand openings, new candy announcements, and more, as cast and crew names appear on screen.
We jump ahead to later that day, with young Joe returning to the Bucket family home and entering the front door. He throws down his bag and calls out for his mother. We see his siblings, a brother and sister (about 10 and 15 respectively) and mom all hanging out in the kitchen. Joe is extremely upset and proceeds to share with the rest of the family that his Dad failed to pick him up at school and is not answering his phone.
Everyone is concerned, but it’s right about that time that they receive a family text from Charlie, stating that he will be working late at the office that night and nobody should worry. Joe is (of course) hurt that his father didn’t mention him in the text or the fact that he had forgotten to pick him up.
Charlie doesn’t make it home that night, but texts again to say that he will be soon. Mom has already committed to a trip out of the country for a charity project and heads out early the next morning for her trip, but is guaranteed by Charlie (via text) that he’ll be there to pick up the kids after school.
All is good, until the kids are left stranded at school. They meet up and start to talk about how worried they are. They head up to the Wonka factory to see what’s going on. While they are not supposed to be in the restricted area, Joe knows a trick or two to get around the security features leading to those TOP SECRET doors.
The kids investigate and find that their father is NOT in his office. Instead, they find that some of their father’s security measures within his lab/office have been tripped. Joe heads to a panel on the wall and opens it up to expose a small storage area with a glass front. Inside, the kids can see a small man, like shrunken small, within the box. He’s VERY angry and shouting something.
They flip a switch on the wall nearby and the little man’s voice is amplified over a speaker. “Curse that Charlie Bucket!!!” How did he do this? – Well, the jokes on him. He’s not the only one with some tricks up his sleeve!”
The shrunken man won’t give up his name or any details about himself, but says that unless the kids let him go, they’ll never see their father again. What “shrunken man” didn’t know was that Charlie had his own tracking system, similar to Find My iPhone, and always kept the tracker on him. The kids fired up their Wonka app and saw that Dad was right across town.
The kids head out to find and rescue dad, but decide to take a few of Dad’s experimental projects along with them, just in case. The kids enter a warehouse across town and find it to be a very unique place. It’s another lab, filled with high-tech gadgets and screens everywhere!
There’s no sign of Charlie, but the signal on his tracker shows he is close. They continue to look around the lab for clues when a mysterious figure appears from the shadows. It’s an Oompa Loompa, dressed in all black & he does not look happy. He attacks the kids but is quickly stopped in his tracks by Joe, who throws a small piece of candy at the Oompa Loompa, freezing him in place.
The kids proceed through several rooms, each with more Oompa Loompas and traps, but at each turn the kids use one of their father’s experimental candies or sodas to beat the challenge. Eventually they find their father, trapped and …. Well embarrassed.
He had been lured to the building by someone pretending to be an old friend. He got there and was knocked out by some sort of gas, then woke up in his cell. Apparently, the person responsible for his capture had used his phone to text the family.
The kids return to Wonka Chocolate & the shrunken man in the box. Charlie pushed a few buttons on the wall and the man is teleported across the room and resized back to normal.
“Not again!” he yells.
Charlie looks at him and laughs. It turns out that the villain is none other than Mike Teavee, who had held a grudge against Charlie since their “Golden Ticket” days. He thought he should have won and that it wasn’t fair Charlie took over the factory.
Teavee had hoped to steal the secret projects Charlie had been working on and use them to make himself rich and ruin Wonka Chocolates. He had turned a few Oompa Loompas and set up his lab across town. What he didn’t count on was Charlie (prepared for such craziness) and a group of kids armed with the most amazing candy creations ever.
The camera pulls back from the chocolate factory. The smokestacks are cold, the lights of the Wonka sign broken and dark. A man stands outside the main gate and watches as the factory is imploded, crumbling to the ground in a cloud of concrete dust and candy powder. A man in a hardhat approaches.
“That’s it Mister Bucket. We should have the land cleared by the end of the week.”
The lone onlooker turns. “Thank you,” says Charlie, handing the man a chocolate bar. “Here, have some chocolate.”
“Uh, thanks,” says the demolition foreman. When Charlie walks on, the foreman tosses the candy bar into the garbage.
Charlie, a middle-aged man with thin build and thinner hair, roams the streets of his once quaint village, now modernized and bustling, beaming with electricity and outrageous fashions. He passes a Cadbury candy shop on his way to the cemetery.
Charlie approaches a massive mausoleum, painted in faded rainbows of color, decorated with oversized candy sculptures. The ghost of Willy Wonka suddenly appears outside.
“Go away!” it screams, and Charlie walks through the hologram. “I’m calling the police,” it yells.
“Yeah, yeah.” Charlie puts a comically oversized key into the lock of the tomb and opens the doors. Music blares and machines whir and move. Charlie ducks as a freshly-made pie is thrown where his face was a moment before. He stands beside Willy Wonka’s concrete vault.
“The factory is officially gone. Cadbury is going to take over the property soon. I didn’t know they wanted to tear it all down, but I guess it doesn’t much matter. I’m glad you weren’t here to see it go. I tried to be like you. We even had a few good runs, but nothing I ever invented had the same magic. When the workers unions forced the oompa loompas out I should have known we were in trouble. It didn’t help that I knew nothing about running a business or a factory, but I thought maybe the right candy could save it all. I failed you, Mister Wonka. I’m sorry.” Charlie wiped tears from his eyes and rested the everlasting gobstopper on the great chocolatier’s grave.
He turned to leave when Willy Wonka’s fake ghost appeared again. “Boo,” it shouted.
Charlie dismissed it again. “Go away.”
“Charlie,” it said. “Stop.”
“What? You’ve never said my name before.”
“Well you never brought flowers.”
“Wait. Are you really talking to me?”
“I would if you’d quit asking dumb questions,” said Wonka. “You didn’t fail me Charlie. You tried. That’s what matters.”
“Your legacy is what matters,” said Charlie.
“To you maybe. I’m dead.” Wonka laughs. “But there is one last thing you could try, if you haven’t given up just yet.”
A scroll extends from the sleeve of a nearby statue of Wonka and Charlie opens it to see a candy recipe.
“The factory is gone and I don’t know what most of these ingredients are.”
“You don’t need a factory, just a few helping hands.”
The sounds of machinery start again and a robot emerges from Wonka’s grave. It looks like a clunky metallic version of the fake Slugworth who whispered into Charlie’s ear ages ago after unwrapping the golden ticket. The robot bows.
“Hello. I’m Plugsworth. Are you ready for an adventure?”
“An adventure?” Charlie asks as the glass elevator lands outside the mausoleum.
Plugsworth opens the doors of the tomb and relays a message to the elevator, opening its doors automatically. He holds his hand out to Charlie, guiding him into the elevator.
“Where are we going?” He steps in and a button illuminates on the elevator’s control panel. It says “Loompaland.” The doors close and Plugsworth says “We’re going to make some candy!”
An adventure begins with Charlie and Plugsworth traveling to Loompaland to gather the first ingredient of Wonka’s lost recipe. They fight crazy jungle creatures and, as an old friend from the factory, secure an Oompa Loompa named Reginald as another traveling companion. From there they go to a distant planet, travel through time, and meet alternate versions of themselves in a separate dimension. Though the tribulations are many, they overcome each and Charlie is excited to return to making candy again, but the final ingredient on the list is nothing anyone from the group has ever heard of. It’s called Noitanigami. The group’s best guess is it’s Japanese, so they hike through every Japanese mountain and spelunk into deep Japanese caves, but cannot find this rare and unknown ingredient. They decide instead to use the ingredients they have and see if they can complete the recipe with something else.
Charlie and the gang travel back to his hometown and work up batch after batch in the kitchen, using strange replacement flavors in the hopes that they’ll create something delicious. Finally, Charlie suggests a more traditional approach, deviating from Mister Wonka’s recipe by using ingredients he already loves. When he’s done, the group tastes the candy and it’s delicious. Despite being unable to master Mister Wonka’s lost recipe, Charlie decides to open a small chocolate store of his own.
Reginald is stamping small letters on circular colored chocolates. Plugsworth picks one up. “Ms?”
Reginald twists the chocolate in the robot’s hands. “They’re ‘W’s, for Wonka.”
Charlie is framing the scroll when he catches the text of its recipe in a reflection. The ingredient Noitanigami is reversed and reads “Imagination.” Charlie smiles and hangs the framed recipe. We pull back from the store to see the name “Charlie’s Chocolates” lit up overhead and a group of children stepping inside with eager smiles.
The turtles form new alliances and take on old rivals with these original shell-shocking pitches from the Sully Brothers.
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