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Win Four Tickets to Live Santa Claus vs. The Devil Riff With The Mads!

Win Four Tickets to Live Santa Claus vs. The Devil Riff With The Mads!

Win four tickets to live Santa Claus vs. The Devil riff with The Mads!

While some may be celebrating the month of December with jolly and festive marathons, beloved Mystery Science Theater 3000 duo Trace Beaulieu and Frank Conniff, better known as The Mads, as they are hosting a new live riff of the cult classic holiday horror fantasy Santa Claus vs. The Devil and Dumb Industries has provided with four complimentary tickets for our readers to win! All you have to do to win is email your name with the subject line, “SANTA CLAUS VS. THE DEVIL” to [email protected] and four lucky winners will be chosen on December 14!

RELATED: Enter ComingSoon’s Holiday Giveaway From Paramount!

The Mads are back in this special holiday livestream as they riff on the bizarre 1959 Mexican cult classic Santa Claus vs. The Devil from co-writer/director Rene Cardona that sees the titular gift giver working from his Toyland castle in outer space and finds himself battling against a demon named Pitch sent to Earth by Lucifer with the intent on ruining Christmas by killing Santa and making all of the children on Earth do evil.

MST3K previously featured riffs on the film before, first in a Christmas Eve 1993 episode in which they viewed the dubbed and slightly-edited English-language version of the film produced for the U.S. in 1960 under the direction of Ken Smith. They would later revisit it in December 2014 when the series, part of Rifftrax, performed a live riff of the film in theaters nationwide.

The livestream riff is set to air on Tuesday, December 15 at 8 p.m. EST and will feature a special Q&A with Frank and Trace and special guests that have yet to be announced and tickets are currently available for purchase on Eventbrite for $10! A portion of the proceeds from the event will benefit Friends in Need Food Shelf in Trace’s home area of Minneapolis.

RELATED: Enter ComingSoon’s Wolf of Snow Hollow Giveaway from WB!

Viewers will be sent a private link to the event an hour prior to showtime and will also gain access to re-watch and download the livestream for personal viewing after the show, though it will not be available for purchase following the show’s conclusion.

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5 Graphic Theories of How Boba Fett Survived the Sarlacc

5 Graphic Theories of How Boba Fett Survived the Sarlacc

By now a vast majority of the world knows that Boba Fett made his triumphant return in the latest episode of The Mandalorian. The man showed up, killed some stormtroopers, blew up a few ships and raised some eyebrows with his surprisingly heroic demeanor.

RELATED: The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: ‘The Tragedy’

Yet questions remain. The most prevalent being: how the hell did this cunning bounty hunter escape from the Great Pit of Carkoon, aka the Sarlacc pit seen in Return of the Jedi?

Star Wars fans will remember the Fett meeting a humiliating demise when a blind Han Solo accidentally swung a stick in his general direction and sent him careening into the pit where he was to be slowly digested over a thousand years. Except now, some time after the events of Jedi, the Fett shows up looking for his armor — armor that he (let’s be honest) could have easily swiped from Cobb Vanth, but whatever.

So, what gives? How did the legendary Boba Fett escape the clutches of George Lucas the Sarlacc pit and come to the aid of Mando? Here are five possible CAREFULLY ILLUSTRATED theories from the good folks at!

[Disclaimer: there are a few comics and expanded universe stories that carry their own explanation as to how Boba Fett escaped, including “Tag & Blink Are Dead” #2 and (more vaguely) “Dark Empire” issue #5 in which the Fett tells Solo, “The Sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible.” There’s also A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett, Tales of the Bounty Hunters and The Mandalorian Armor, although details of Fett’s escape are rather vague in all of these stories. Read more about these stories here!]


One of Boba Fett’s greatest weapons is his ship, Slave I, which features quite a bit of firepower for such a small vessel (see Attack of the Clones). It’s possible that Fett, entrapped in the Sarlacc pit, managed to remote guide his ship to his location where it unleashed a barrage of lasers and missiles that killed the Sarlacc. Considering the beast’s mouth remains quite exposed, it’s not unreasonable to think that one or two shots from a powerful blaster would kill it or (at the very least) weaken it long enough for a victim adorned in Mandalorian armor to escape.

Hell, it could have used its tractor beam projector to pull Fett’s body from the pit. Of course, this plan only works if the ship is able to destroy the Sarlacc pit without causing a cave in; and assuming the creature doesn’t have some sort of defense mechanism that protects it from surface attacks.


As we saw in The Mandalorian, Boba Fett’s armor comes with a lot of weapons, including the Czerka Z-X Flame-projector, Kelvarek Consolidated Arms MM-9 Wrist rockets and knee-pad rocket-dart launchers — all of which remained on his person when he fell to his supposed demise. It’s plausible that the Fett used all of these weapons to blast his way out; or, if his hands were tied, merely needed to point his knee and fire to untangle himself from the Sarlacc’s grasp. (Fett even has a sort-of grappling gun, but, from the looks of Jedi, Luke sliced that thing to bits along with his blaster.)

While he was at it, Fett also probably fired a rocket down the creature’s throat thereby causing the damned thing to spew him out onto the sand. Now, covered in nasty Sarlacc vomit, Fett undressed and took a bath at a nearby oasis where his armor was stolen. Which means there’s an epic story out there featuring a naked Fett wandering the deserts of Tatooine!


No less than five other people were tossed into the Sarlacc pit during Luke Skywalker’s maniacal attack on Jabba’s barge. We’re not entirely sure how the Sarlacc operates, or how much room it has in its, ah, throat (?), but for the purposes of this theory let’s assume there’s not a lot of wiggle space down there. Fett was the third victim, followed by two more, which means he was stuck between quite a few bodies. Could he have used the corpses to climb his way to the top? Maybe everyone inside formed a ladder of sorts and allowed Fett to climb out in the hopes that he would return the favor once he reached the surface.

Or, maybe, there’s a whole society living in the Sarlacc in the same manner as those poor bastards residing in the pit in The Dark Knight Rises; and Fett must “make the climb” in order to secure his escape. Which he does, of course, though questions remain about how exactly he makes it all the way back to the Mos Eisley Cantina unscathed despite not having any money, resources or transportation (assuming his ship is too far to control).


Considering Boba Fett looks slightly, ah, beefy around the midsection during his big hero shot when he dons the armor in The Mandalorian, one might assume the man ate his way out of the Sarlacc pit. Sure, this is probably wild speculation, but considering the flamethrower at his disposal, Fett could have fried himself up a nice helping of Sarlacc flavored with Kessel spices; and gobbled his way to freedom.

How ironic. Sarlacc could eat others but couldn’t prevent others from eating him.


Yeah, this is the second escape route featuring Boba Fett undressing, but here us out … So, let’s assume the Sarlacc pit’s insides are similar to a human esophagus. Fett manages to undress and coat himself with Sarlacc saliva and slides up and out of the mouth using his fully repaired rocket pack. This explains why his armor goes missing.

See, Fett pulled an Andy Dufresne and put all of his belongings (including his armor) inside of a plastic bag that he then tied to the rocket pack. Unfortunately, once free and clear of the Sarlacc, Fett could no longer hold onto the blazing hot rocket pack and had to let go. The pack then sored into the sky like that scene in The Rocketeer and landed some miles away where Jawas picked it up and yadda yadda yadda …

Or, maybe, taking the Shawshank idea one step further, Fett chiseled his way out using his survival knife. He obviously had the time. Maybe he managed to chisel through the Sarlacc’s skin and swam up the sand ala Kill Bill Vol. 2 … one would imagine ole Sarlacc would want to keep his victims under control and complete daily checks on them, which is why Fett would hang a poster of Sintas Vel over the chiseled hole to hide his escape route. Maybe he even becomes friends with one of the other victims who knows how to get things …

That’s probably too far.

Or, maybe we’re overthinking it and Fett escaped like this:

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CS Interview: Cathy Moriarty on But I’m A Cheerleader 20th Anniversary

CS Interview: Cathy Moriarty on But I'm A Cheerleader 20th Anniversary

CS Interview: Cathy Moriarty on But I’m A Cheerleader 20th anniversary

In honor of the cult classic’s 20th anniversary, Jamie Babbit’s satirical rom-com But I’m a Cheerleader has finally received its long-awaited director’s cut and in glorious 4K and got the opportunity to chat with star Cathy Moriarty to discuss her work in the film and its long-lasting legacy.

RELATED: CS Interview: Popeye Star Paul Dooley on the Film’s Blu-ray Arrival & 40th Anniversary So after 20 years, how does it feel to see the film getting its director’s cut re-release in its new 4K imaging?

Cathy Moriarty: Well I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m excited to see it [laughs]. I had a great experience making the movie and when they were having the screenings and premieres for it, I was a little busy giving birth, so I didn’t see the movie for years and years and a couple of years ago I finally got it see and I was very pleased. It was above and beyond my expectations and Jamie was pretty amazing.

CS: Do you remember what first initially drew you to the project?

CM: Well it wasn’t the money [laughs], no, no I’m just teasing, I loved the cast of these new, aspiring stars. It’s a while, I mean it’s 20 years, right, and to work with them, I liked the premise, I liked how she addressed it, I loved the script. I had a couple of weeks off, so it was great.

CS: We’d seen you play villains before Cheerleader, but what was it like getting to the heart of your character in this film?

CM: I tried to make her as unique as possible and believable, that I actually believed in what I was doing and what the character set out to do. Once I put the suit on, I was off to the races [chuckles]. Working with the talent in the movie, these kids, well they’re not kids anymore and they weren’t really then, they were exceptional. They were heartfelt, they were just exceptional, but it was like such a joy to go to work every day and I had such a great experience doing the movie and the outcome of it and I’m excited to see all of the new stuff.

Click here to purchase the digital 4K edition of But I’m a Cheerleader: Director’s Cut!

CS: Coming into the project, did you find you had to do additional research into the subject of conversion therapy camps?

CM: I didn’t do any deep research in the conversion therapy, I had a great understanding in spirituality of what life is and it was just totally against everything I thought of in terms of the camp and treating  teens as human beings. So I kind of used that and played her so hard and I think somewhat believable, too, that she thought she was doing the right thing, that it wasn’t just a money-making scam. I kind of grew up in a family very accepting of other races, religions, sexuality and anything like that and I’ve taught my kids the same, that we’re color blind, that you respect the human being, you don’t judge. So this particular character believed in a certain way and I just played it like that, I hope it was okay, it looked okay to me [chuckles].

CS: How has it been for you to see the cult following and multiple academic analyses in the years since its release?

CM: It was kind of incredible to me the fact that it had such a cult following and people were buying the DVDs and asking me to autograph them and stuff and I think it was because I hadn’t seen the movie, I was just there doing it. So when I finally sat down and watched the movie, I was like, “Now I understand why it has such a cult audience,” because it is a really good movie and the acting was really great on behalf of all of the kids that were in the camp and working with Clea DuVall and Natasha Lyonne and just everybody, it was just such an enjoyable experience. I’m not as surprised anymore at the following for it because it’s light-hearted yet had a message and I like that.

CS: One of the things I love about the film that hasn’t aged a day is the production values in the set and costumes, what was that like for you going to those sets and outfits every day?

CM: The set design was remarkable, I’d walk in in the morning and be like, “How the hell did you do this from last night to today?” For me, it made you feel like you were in the moment, the production value just went above and beyond, the costumes, the wardrobes, it was ideal in its own sense that it felt very individual. It helps you with the acting when you’re in the right setting, also, and they did that, the production value of what they did with what they had was truly incredible, they were really talented people, it was a labor of love. We were all there because we wanted to be, it wasn’t like, “Okay, I’m gonna do this and then move on to something else,” we were very dedicated to the project while we were there.

CS: So in addition to this year being the 20th anniversary for Cheerleader, it also marks the 25th anniversary of Casper, so what’s it like for you looking back on the popularity on that one as well?

CM: It’s like an anniversary year, somebody called me last week to do an interview and it was the 40th anniversary of Raging Bull, I didn’t even know it was the 25th of Casper, there you go, I thought you were going to hit me with Raging Bull [laughs]. Casper was a totally different experience, I wanted to live in the mansion that they just immediately tore down the day we were done. I was like, “Why would you take this down, why don’t we all just live here?” I think that’s the big difference between big budget and production value.

CS: Casper and Cheerleader both feel like the ultimate testaments to films using their production budgets to their full potentials, what was it like immersing yourself in that world?

CM: It was such an honor and a privilege and watching Steven Spielberg come down and Brad Silberling, in watching the animators that were on set with us and Silberling and Spielberg working together on every little detail and coming up with rollercoasters inside the place, it was just awesome, just so amazing. Those were long days and long hours, a lot because we were working with children and they kind of shoot them out first, but I really do also think that But I’m a Cheerleader got a lot of bang for their buck in production value. The feel of both movies and their worlds were what made the movie.

RELATED: CS Video: Happiest Season Interview With Clea DuVall & Mary Holland!

This whimsically edgy comedy, directed by Jamie Babbit, follows teenager Megan (Natasha Lyonne),whose suburban existence filled with friends, cheerleading and all-American fun is upended when her straight-laced parents suspect she may be a lesbian. In a panic, they send her to True Directions, a“rehabilitation” camp run by the strict and prudish Mary (Moriarty), to mount an intervention led by counselor Mike (RuPaul Charles). Megan dutifully follows the program—until she develops feelings for another camper (Clea DuVall) in this timeless, satirical romantic-comedy about self-acceptance and love also co-starring Melanie Lynskey, Eddie Cibrian and Michelle Williams.

Special Features for the Director’s Cut Include:

  • Audio Commentary with Director Jamie Babbit, Costume Designer Alix Friedberg and Production Designer Rachel Kamerman
  • But I’m a Cheerleader Class Reunion”
  • “Making But I’m a Cheerleader…In 1999″
  • “But I’m a Composer…A Chat with Pat Irwin”
  • Student Film: Discharge

But I’m a Cheerleader is available on Digital 4K now on AppleTV and anywhere you buy movies online!

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Enter ComingSoon’s Promising Young Woman Virtual Premiere Giveaway!

Enter ComingSoon's Promising Young Woman Virtual Premiere Giveaway!

Enter ComingSoon’s Promising Young Woman Virtual Premiere Giveaway! is hosting a giveaway for the virtual premiere of Focus Features’ comedy crime drama Promising Young Woman, starring Oscar nominee Carey Mulligan (An Education) and Bo Burnham (Eighth Grade)! There are 10 tickets available for the virtual premiere on Wednesday, December 16, with the screening beginning at 5:30 p.m. PST followed by a live Q&A. After the Q&A, there will be a performance from CYN, one of the artists featured on the soundtrack. Interested participants can click on this link to RSVP directly, and if they’re one of the first 10 to RSVP, they will get the screening link sent to them automatically the day of the premiere (likely one hour before start time). Everyone after the 10th person who signs up will be put on the waitlist. Make sure to RSVP now for the event!

RELATED: New Promising Young Woman Trailer Starring Carey Mulligan

From visionary director Emerald Fennell (Killing Eve) comes a delicious new take on revenge. Everyone said Cassie (Carey Mulligan) was a promising young woman… until a mysterious event abruptly derailed her future. But nothing in Cassie’s life is what it appears to be: she’s wickedly smart, tantalizingly cunning, and she’s living a secret double life by night. Now, an unexpected encounter is about to give Cassie a chance to right the wrongs of the past in this thrilling and wildly entertaining story.

Premiering to huge acclaim in Sundance earlier this year, Promising Young Woman is directed and written by Fennell and also stars an ensemble cast that includes Laverne Cox, Alison Brie, Connie Britton, Jennifer Coolidge, Max Greenfield, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chris Lowell, Sam Richardson, Molly Shannon, and Clancy Brown.

RELATED: Small Dark Look: Jason Statham in Talks for Focus Features’ Mob Drama

Fennell produced along with Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley, and Josey McNamara for LuckyChap Entertainment and Ben Browning and Ashley Fox for FilmNation Entertainment.

Promising Young Woman will release in theaters on Friday, December 25, 2020.

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Shadow in the Cloud Teaser Previews Chloë Grace Moretz’s New Action Movie

Shadow in the Cloud Teaser Previews Chloë Grace Moretz's New Action Movie

Shadow in the Cloud Teaser Previews Chloë Grace Moretz’s New Action Movie

Kickass star Chloë Grace Moretz took to Twitter to exclusively reveal the teaser trailer for Roseanne Liang’s upcoming action horror film titled Shadow in the Cloud, featuring Moretz as her character tries to deliver a classified mission while fighting against a Gremlin-like creature. The film is scheduled to arrive on VOD on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2021. Check out the video in the player below!

RELATED: The Peripheral: Chloë Grace Moretz to Star in Westworld Creators’ New Sci-Fi Series

Set during World War II in 1943, Shadow in the Cloud centers around a young Flight Officer named Maude Garrett, who hitches a ride aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress with orders to escort a mysterious, highly classified package from Auckland to the plane’s destination. Unfortunately, she’s not the only unwanted passenger on the aircraft, as a gremlin has also stowed away with the intention of wreaking havoc on the flight.

The film stars Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson, Callan Mulvey, Taylor John Smith, Beulah Koale, Benedict Wall, Joe Witkowski, and Byron Coll.

RELATED: Mother/Android: Chloe Grace Moretz to Star in The Batman Scribe’s Directorial Debut Film

Shadow in the Cloud is directed by Roseanne Liang, who co-wrote the script with Max Landis. It is produced by Fred Berger, Tom Hern, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones and Kelly McCormick. It had its world premiere last September at the 2020 Toronto International Film Festival, where it earned  the People’s Choice Award for Midnight Madness.

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Exclusive Songbird Motion Poster For STXfilms’ Pandemic Thriller

Exclusive Songbird Motion Poster For STXfilms' Pandemic Thriller

Exclusive Songbird Motion Poster For STXfilms’ Pandemic Thriller is debuting the exclusive motion poster for STXfilms’ pandemic thriller Songbird, available On Demand everywhere beginning Friday, December 11. You can check out the motion poster now below!

RELATED: Pandemic Thriller Songbird Forgoing Theatrical Release for Digital

In the terrifying thriller ​Songbird,​ the COVID-23 virus has mutated and the world is in its fourth year of lockdown. Infected Americans are ripped from their homes and forced into quarantine camps known as Q-Zones, from which there is no escape, as a few brave souls fight back against the forces of oppression. Amid this dystopian landscape, a fearless courier, Nico (KJ Apa), who’s immune to the deadly pathogen, finds hope and love with Sara (Sofia Carson), though her lockdown prohibits them from physical contact. When Sara is believed to have become infected, Nico races desperately across the barren streets of Los Angeles in search of the only thing that can save her from imprisonment … or worse.

In addition to KJ Apa (Riverdale) and Sofia Carson (Descendants), the call sheet for the film is said to feature an ensemble cast that includes Demi Moore (Corporate Animals), Bradley Whitford (Godzilla: King of the Monsters), Craig Robinson (What We Do in the Shadows), Alexandra Daddario (We Summon the Darkness), Paul Walter Hauser (Da 5 Bloods), and Peter Stormare (American Gods).

Songbird is directed by Adam Mason (Into the Dark) from a script written by Mason and Simon Boyes. Bay is producing alongside Adam Goodman and Andrew Eben Davidson of Invisible Narratives, who are also financing the project. The film is produced by Michael Bay, Catchlight Studios’ Jeanette Volturno, Jason Clark, and Marcei Brown with Michael Kase and Invisible Narratives’ Eben Davidson set as executive producers.

RELATED: Aubrey Plaza Joins Jason Statham in Guy Ritchie’s Spy Thriller Film

The film was the first to go into production in Los Angeles as the real pandemic lockdown was slowly lifted and the imposition of new safety restrictions made it possible for Hollywood to start slowly resume filming. Songbird is set to hit digital platforms for a 48-hour rental period on Friday, December 11, followed by a release on a major streaming service in 2021.

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Michelle Pfeiffer Says She’s Back For Ant-Man 3 In Spring 2021

Michelle Pfeiffer Says She’s Back For Ant-Man 3 In Spring 2021

In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Michelle Pfeiffer’s Janet van Dyne, the original Wasp, was saved from the Quantum Realm. And according to Pfeiffer herself, she’ll be back for Ant-Man 3.

Pfeiffer confirmed the news during an appearance on the Ladies First with Laura Brown podcast. However, she declined to share any specific details about the sequel, or if Janet would return to the Quantum Realm. Pfeiffer also said that filming will begin in spring 2021. Her character previously appeared in Ant-Man and the Wasp and as a cameo in Avengers: Endgame.

RELATED: Lovecraft Country’s Jonathan Majors Lands Major Role in Ant-Man 3

Paul Rudd’ and Evangeline Lilly will once again share top billing as Scott Lang/Ant-Man and Hope van Dyne/Wasp, respectively. Additionally, Michael Douglas will presumably be back as well. Michael Peña, Tip “T.I.” Harris, and David Dastmalchian seem likely to return, but have not been confirmed.

Perhaps the most intriguing piece of Ant-Man 3 news came earlier in the year, when Jonathan Majors was reportedly cast as Kang the Conqueror. Kang is not a traditional Ant-Man villain, but he is an Avengers nemesis with the potential to be the MCU’s next big bad. Kang hails from the far future, and his comic book incarnation has repeatedly attempted to conquer the present.

Ant-Man 3 doesn’t currently have a release date.

Recommended Reading: The Astonishing Ant-Man: The Complete Collection

Are you excited to hear that Michelle Pfeiffer will be back for Ant-Man 3? Let us know in the comment section below!

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December 8 Blu-ray, Digital and DVD Releases

December 8 Blu-ray, Digital and DVD Releases

December 8 Blu-ray, Digital and DVD Releases

Welcome to’s December 8 Blu-ray, Digital HD and DVD column! We’ve highlighted this week’s releases in detailed write-ups of different titles below! Click each highlighted title to purchase through Amazon!

RELATED: CS Holiday Gift Guide Part 1: Movies & TV!

RELATED: CS Holiday Gift Guide Part 2: Books!

New Movies on Blu-ray/DVD

Possessor: Uncut
From the visionary mind of writer/director Brandon Cronenberg, POSSESSOR is an arresting sci-fi thriller about elite corporate assassin Tasya Vos. Using brain-implant technology to possess civilians and execute priority targets, but when the tables turn while on assignment, Vos is suddenly trapped inside a mind that threatens to obliterate her.

The Little Penguin Pororo’s Dinosaur Island Adventure (DVD)
In this hilarious family adventure, brave penguin Pororo and his crew enlist a tribe of friendly dinosaurs to rescue their kidnapped pals from an alien invader and his robot army.

White Riot (DVD)
With Britain deeply divided over immigration, a motley crew of mavericks band together with The Clash and other top punk bands of the day to create Britain’s biggest-ever civil rights movement, Rock Against Racism.

Frau Stern (DVD)
90-year-old Frau Stern is in remarkable shape for a woman her age. Her physical health is excellent, her hairdresser supplies her with recreational drugs and she is surrounded by friends who are still in their 20s. But the Holocaust survivor from Berlin has had enough: she desperately wants to die. Frau Stern is a sad yet funny meditation on life, death and everything in between.

Bobbleheads The Movie (DVD)
Laugh and bobble along in this hilarious and heart-warming animated film featuring an incredible voice cast including Jennifer Coolidge, Luke Wilson and Cher.

Criterion Corner

Essential Fellini
Bringing together fourteen of the director’s greatest spectacles, all beautifully restored, this centenary box set is a monument to an artist who conjured a cinematic universe all his own: a vision of the world as a three-ring circus in which his innermost infatuations, fears, and fantasies take center stage.

Robert Bresson plumbs great reservoirs of feeling with Mouchette, one of the most searing portraits of human desperation ever put on film. With a dying mother, an absent, alcoholic father, and a baby brother in need of care, the teenage Mouchette seeks solace and respite from her circumstances in the nature of the French countryside and daily routine.


Mario Puzo’s The Godfather, Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone
Director/screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola’s definitive new edit and restoration of THE GODFATHER: PART III, with remastered picture and sound. Michael Corleone (Pacino) seeks to free his family from crime and find a suitable successor to his empire.

Total Recall (4K)
Action star extraordinaire Arnold Schwarzenegger is Quaid, a 2084 construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars. Against the wishes of his wife (Sharon Stone), Quaid goes to a company that implants artificial memories, so he can “remember” visiting the red planet. However, Quaid is actually a secret agent from Mars – or is he?

Fellini’s Casanova
The incomparable Federico Fellini (La dolce vita) directs this visually stunning portrait of Casanova, the infamous Italian womanizer, adventurer, author, and libertine. In a remarkable performance, Donald Sutherland (Klute) portrays the great seducer not as an amorous anomaly, but an everyday man living in extraordinary times.

My Science Project
Michael Harlan (John Stockwell, Losin’ It, Christine, Top Gun) has procrastinated on his science project until the last minute, and his teacher (Dennis Hopper, River’s Edge, Blue Velvet, Speed) issues him an ultimatum: turn in a science project or flunk. So, Mike scavenges a military base’s junk pile for a suitable gizmo to pass off as his project. He finds one… and unwittingly unleashes the awesome power and energy of the unknown.

Rock Hudson Collection
This collection includes three 1950s Technicolor adventure films starring screen legend Rock Hudson: SEMINOLE (1953), THE GOLDEN BLADE (1953) and BENGAL BRIGADE (1954).

Seven Women for Satan
SEVEN WOMEN FOR SATAN, originally titled THE WICKED WEEKENDS OF COUNT ZAROFF is a stylish and erotic horror film that was actually banned in France in the 1970s. Severely cut from its original running time and more or less forgotten for decades, the film now reaches Blu-ray in a stunningly restored new version created from the original negative.

Sins of the Flesh
Benoît Landrieux, the idle and depraved son of a rich industrialist has two chance encounters on the same day that will change his life forever – Jean-Pierre, a young tearaway who is trying to steal his car, and Isabelle, 20 years old, whom he saves from being raped by her stepfather. Benoît is a coward and a voyeur who gets his kicks from watching other couples make out. He cajoles his two new companions to attempt what he has never dared do – rob the safe in his father’s factory, seduce his stepmother to blackmail her for money and finally go so far as committing murder.

New On Digital HD

The Legend of Baron To’a (exclusive clip)
When his late father’s championship belt is stolen by a ruthless gang, a displaced Tongan man must defeat the kingpin and get the title back.

From Blumhouse (Happy Death Day), things get Freaky at Blissfield high when 17-year-old Millie (Kathryn Newton) swaps bodies with the infamous serial killer (Vince Vaughn).

Black Bear
At a lake house, a filmmaker plays a calculated game of desire and jealousy in the pursuit of a work of art that blurs the boundaries between autobiography and invention.

1840s England, acclaimed fossil hunter Mary Anning and a young woman sent to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship, altering both of their lives forever.

Smiley Face Killers
From writer Bret Easton Ellis (AMERICAN PSYCHO, LESS THAN ZERO) and director Tim Hunter (RIVER’S EDGE) comes this intense serial-killer tale about a troubled college student stalked by a sadistic madman looking for his next victim. Based on actual events.

Honest Thief
Wanting to lead an honest life, a notorious bank robber (Liam Neeson) turns himself in, only to be double-crossed by two ruthless FBI agents.

But I’m a Cheerleader: Director’s Cut
A cheerleading-obsessed teenager is sent to a strict summer camp when her parents suspect her of being a lesbian.

TV on Blu-ray and DVD

Hawaii Five-0: The Complete Series (exclusive clip)
Bomb threats. Kidnappings. Assassinations. And yes, even pirates. The final cases of HPD’s finest are among the hottest the islands have ever seen.

The Secrets She Keeps (DVD)
Laura Carmichael (Downton Abbey) and Jessica De Gouw (Arrow) star in this “fresh spin on the thriller genre” (New Zealand Herald). Although they are both heavily pregnant and due at the same time, their lives could not be more different. Both women have secrets. And both will risk everything to conceal the truth. But their worlds are about to collide in one shocking act that cannot be undone.

Better Call Saul: Season Five
In season five of the critically acclaimed drama, Better Call Saul, Jimmy McGill’s decision to practice law as “Saul Goodman” creates unexpected and profound waves of change throughout Albuquerque’s legal and illegal circles. Kim Wexler finds herself at a crossroads as her connection with Jimmy deepens. Wracked with guilt and regret, Mike Ehrmantraut hits rock bottom.

Yellowstone: Season 3
The Dutton family is threatened by new foes and lucrative business deals, forcing John, Kayce, Beth and Jamie to utilize unexpected alliances and risky measures to safeguard their legacy.

2020 World Series Champions: Los Angeles Dodgers
The Los Angeles Dodgers are World Series champions of 2020. On a quest for redemption after losing the World Series in 2017 and 2018, the Dodgers clinched their 2020 title in six games against the Tampa Bay Rays during a season—a year—so unique. The Fall Classic pitted the two best teams of a condensed regular season and expanded Postseason at a neutral site, the new Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas.

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Radio Silence Re-Teaming With Ready or Not Scribes for MGM’s Reunion

Radio Silence Re-Teaming With Ready or Not Scribes for MGM's Reunion

Radio Silence Re-Teaming With Ready or Not Scribes for MGM’s Reunion

Coming on the heels of wrapping production on the highly-anticipated fifth installment in the Scream franchise, filmmaking trio Radio Silence have already found their next project in the MGM high school horror pic Reunion, which will see them reunite with the scribes of their hit horror-comedy Ready or Not, according to Deadline.

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Penned by Guy Busick on a story developed by he and R. Christopher Murray, the movie will see the horrific experience of high school reunions elevated to a new level as a group of uninspired old friends become their graduating class’ only hope for survival against an evil shape-shifting creature.

In addition to direction, Radio Silence trio Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett and Chad Villela will produce the project alongside Project X Entertainment’s William Sherak, James Vanderbilt and Paul Neinstein, with whom they collaborated on Scream, and Vinson Films’ Tripp Vinson, who was attached to Ready or Not, while Vinson Films’ Tara Farney is set to executive produce.

Following the smash hit success of Ready or Not, which grossed over $57 million on its $6 million budget and garnered rave reviews from critics and audiences alike, Radio Silence reunited with Busick for the surprise fifth installment in the Scream series that will see franchise vets Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox and David Arquette leading a cast mixed of old and new stars including Marley Shelton, Jack Quaid, Jenna Ortega and more, which Busick co-wrote with Vanderbilt and is currently slated for a January 14, 2022 release.

RELATED: Spyglass Media’s Scream 5 Officially Wraps Filming

Radio Silence’s other film credits include helming segments of the hit horror anthologies Southbound and V/H/S, as well as the found footage flop Devil’s Due.

(Photo Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez/WireImage)

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Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield Reportedly Returning for Spider-Man 3!

Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield Reportedly Returning for Spider-Man 3!

Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield reportedly returning for Spider-Man 3!

On the heels of the revelation that Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus would return and months of fan fervor for a live-action Spider-Verse, it appears Sony and Marvel are ready for it as Collider reports that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield are ready to don the webslinging suit again for the Tom Holland-fronted third Spider-Man film.

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While Garfield’s casting is currently set, offering him the chance to once again face Jamie Foxx’s Electro after The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Maguire is reportedly still in talks with the two studios for his reprisal of his career-defining role, but should it go through, he will be in good company as on-screen love Kirsten Dunst is also confirmed to return as Mary Jane Watson, while Garfield’s screen romantic partner Emma Stone’s involvement is currently unknown.

Click here to purchase Sony’s animated Spider-Verse crossover hit!

Tom Holland will return for the untitled third Spider-Man film as the titular wall-crawler alongside Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange, going up against Jamie Foxx’s Electro. Given the ending of Far From Home, however, any number of his rogues’ gallery are also likely eager for a fight. The third installment to the MCU’s Spider-Man films will also feature the return of Zendaya (Euphoria, Dune) as MJ and Jacob Batalon as Ned.

While most of the original series cast are set to return for the threequel, Foxx’s casting further blurs the lines across Sony’s three web-slinging franchises, with the previous installment bringing back J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson from Sam Raimi’s trilogy and the studio’s Sony Universe of Marvel Characters led by Venom expected to crossover into the Marvel Cinematic Universe series soon.

RELATED: Tom Holland Starts Filming on Spider-Man 3 as Uncharted Wraps

Originally scheduled for a July 16, 2021 release, the untitled Spider-Man 3 was first pushed back to November 5 and will now bow on December 17, 2021.

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