The Sully Brothers, along with resident horror expert, Vanessa Sully, discuss the SCREAM franchise (films & TV), the upcoming Scream 5, and pitch their own original ideas for a SCREAM retake.
We also reminisce over the delightfully horrifying career of Wes Craven, the tales behind the masks of our favorite film slashers, and dish out some terrifying trivia.
Also in this episode:
Fear of the Unknown: the masks that make them
the big questions:
What actor from the first Scream appears briefly in all of the sequels? Which Scream cast member was never met by the other actors? What blockbuster films were scared to compete against a Scream sequel?
The Sully Brothers, along with resident horror expert, Vanessa Sully, discuss the SCREAM franchise (films & TV), the upcoming Scream 5, and pitch their own original ideas for a SCREAM retake.
We also reminisce over the delightfully horrifying career of Wes Craven, the tales behind the masks of our favorite film slashers, and dish out some terrifying trivia.
Also in this episode:
Fear of the Unknown: the masks that make them
the big questions:
What actor from the first Scream appears briefly in all of the sequels? Which Scream cast member was never met by the other actors? What blockbuster films were scared to compete against a Scream sequel?