Starship Troopers
Must-See Streaming
may 12, 2021
View Starship Troopers however you want, sci-fi action or anti-fascist satire, and either way you’ll be genuinely entertained.
Verhoeven and Neumeier are the perfect collaborators, replicating the genius of commentary and action achieved in 1987’s Robocop.
The campy, melodramatic delivery of lines and the Earth broadcasts updating us on the war are all part of Verhoeven’s unique direction, and embracing it fully is the only way to receive it. Starship Troopers is the #1 sci-fi film for least dated CGI. In short, the effects hold up, and the monsters are still awesome.
Would you like to know more? Good.
This is available on Netflix and Starz packages in both US and Canada. If you’ve never seen this, you have to. It is a unique movie that everyone needs to experience. For me, I watch it at least once a year.
currently streaming
Available at the time of this posting.

US & Canada

Rating system
A clear explanation of our star ratings.
Didn’t finish watching, qualifies as a movie, just not one people should watch.
spent more time on phone or daydreaming about other movies than watching.
One thing was good (casting, script, dialogue, direction, cinematography, costumes, set design). Everything else failed.
Got a couple of things right, though still not at recommendation level.
Some people may be mildly satisfied with a watch, but can’t recommend to most viewers.
Enough entertainment value to recommend among genre-specific viewers (i.e. There’s enough action for action fans, drama for drama fans, etc.). One time viewing is enough.
holds up within its genre and hits enough elements to entertain viewers looking for more than just that genre’s key features. Can recommend. Might rewatch.
Recommend a watch to most viewers. Hits on majority of quality aspects (i.e. acting, script, etc.) Will likely rewatch. Entertains beyond genre.
Not only should everyone watch this, but it’s close to perfection.
No discussion. Just watch it.
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